Remember These Tips While Buying A Point & Shoot Camera Uttarika Kumaran November 27, 2013 Cameras & Accessories views: 13876 After our much-appreciated Real Reviews LED TV Buyers’ Guide (Part 1 and Part 2), many consumers got in touch with us, asking us to do something similar with point & shoot cameras. A point & shoot or a compact camera basically refers to a camera with a non-interchangeable lens, autofocus, inbuilt flash and an automatic exposure setting. All of these features make a point & shoot an ‘easy-to-use’ camera that’s compact and therefore convenient to carry around. At a Nikon School seminar last week, we met Rohan Dhawan, Assistant Manager, Sales & Technical Support, Nikon India. We asked him some very basic questions that consumers may begin with while considering a point & shoot purchase. First off, Rohan debunked the notion that a smart phone camera that’s 15 megapixels or above matches the performance of a standard point & shoot. As Rohan explains in the video, picture quality is dependent on sensor size which will always big much bigger in a point & shoot, therefore offering better picture quality and colour reproduction. Besides sensor size, Rohan goes on to briefly list a few other things that consumers must keep in mind while looking for a point & shoot best suited for their needs. When it comes to modern-day point & shoots, features such as social sharing – the ability to directly upload your photos from your camera to social networks like Facebook – and geotagging – wherein your photos are automatically tagged for their location – are becoming commonplace. Rohan also shares a few tips for existing point & shoot users who are looking to make the most of their cameras. Watch the video to see how to correctly hold your point & shoot while taking a photo to prevent blurry images.