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Blending culture and creativity, Drishti 2015 is Narsee Monjee College’s 3-day intercollegiate youth management festival. Real Reviews will be auditioning for video reviewers and giving away cool products as always on Day 1 of the festival. But before the fun and games begin, the Drishti team would like to give something back to society.

Every year, in the run-up to the festival, Drishti collaborates with an NGO to help spread the word about a social cause. This year, Drishti ’15 has associated with ‘JOSH’ Foundation.

JOSH is a movement initiated by eminent ENT surgeon Dr. Jayant Gandhi and Devangi Dalal, a renowned audiologist. Supported by philanthropic donors, NGOs and manufacturers of hearing aids, JOSH has been able to provide hearing aids to more than 600 underprivileged hearing impaired children while establishing six special schools that provide education in a completely digital format.

This year, Drishti plans to spread the word about JOSH with a ‘Flash Mob’ at Infinity 2, Malad, to raise awareness. Around 100 students from Drishti are going to be a part of this performance. Furthermore, a few students from JOSH will perform at the venue. The performance hopes to convey that it is not the body, but our minds that we have to convince to do anything!

Later this week, on Saturday, 150 students from 15 schools will come together to conduct a Drawing Competition for students from schools under the NGO. Drishti wishes and prays that the lives of these angels are filled with the myriad colours that they will be portraying.

To participate in any of these events or for more information, please visit Drishti’s Facebook page here.