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If you’ve given up on building insulating force fields around you in public by sheer mind control, sit back and relax. Living in a bubble just got a real, tangible meaning – a transparent orb you can enter and sit in, anywhere. The crazy part: this orb is actually a giant speaker that walls off all outside sound! Source Indiegogo

Designed by ST and Pjadad, two Scandinavian design studios, AudioOrbs are spherical spaces designed for one person and fitted with 18 speakers and Tempur pillows that take the shape of your body to create a feeling of spacelessness. This design is an extension of Micasa Lab’s Cocoon by the same team, which was simply a plastic sphere fitted with modules that offered flexibility of functioning within it. In the AudioOrb, the modules have been replaced by speakers. The sphere is docked on a circular base to keep it from rolling away.

It's simply a plastic sphere fitted with modules that offered flexibility of functioning

The project is up for crowdfunding on Indiegogo but hasn’t raised any money yet. But there are just two AudioOrbs available for sale priced at USD 15,000 and you can buy only one of them at Indiegogo. The makers say these could be the only AudioOrbs that will ever be made.

Product: AudioOrb
Price: USD 15,000 (Rs. 93,000)
Available at: Not available in India yet

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About The Author

Malvika is a writer and multimedia content editor with an interest in good design ideas.

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