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Like many bachelors in Mumbai, MBA student & Oshiwara resident Animesh Gupta prefers any sort of home solution that’s convenient and affordable. And when it comes to safe drinking water, he has been depending on Pureit Water Purifier for the past two years for this very reason.

Much like Rajashree’s review of Pureit, Animesh has only good things to say about the water purifier. For refill replacements of the Pureit Germikill Kit (required after every 2000 litres of water purified as the indicator shows), Animesh prefers to do it himself and says the installation process is easy and uncomplicated. He says the water tastes fine and is much more pocket-friendly than buying 20-litre jars of mineral water every few days.

Product: Pureit Classic Water Purifier
Price: Rs. 2,200 approx

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