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Evidently, some men use ultra hold hair gels to not just style their hair, but for a more functional role — keeping that long, silky hair out of their eyes.

That was news for our team, made up as it is mostly of women. So even men get hassled by their hair… awesome! For our intern Krushabh Sanghavi, ultra strong hair gels help keep his hair in one place so nothing even remotely fine comes between his computer screen and him.

Krushabh says water-based gels are too mild for hair his length. So in this video, he reviews two ultra-strong hair gels he bought after watching their TVCs. The Gatsby Water Gloss Hard does a decent job holding his hair firm on application. But Krushabh says the effects are short-lived and just some time out in the sun causes his hair to become oily and fall back on his forehead.

In contrast, the Brylcreem Ultrastrong Endurance Hold Gel doesn’t just hold Krushabh’s hair firmly in place, it does so for a good 12 hours straight. No oily feeling, no hair falling over the face – perfect!

And since both products are in the same price range, Krushabh sees Brylcreem Ultrastrong Endurance Hold Gel as the clear winner between these two latest entrants in the hair gel for men category.