Once It Starts Working, Google’s Free SMS Service on GChat May Have Limited Appeal Real Reviews October 11, 2012 News & Updates With news breaking that Indian users can now send and receive free texts over Gmail Chat to mobile phones, we decided to give it a shot while pondering over the merits of its use. But before we cou...
Would you take a Botox Shot to Fight Acne? Real Reviews September 1, 2012 News & Updates 1 The internet is replete with queries and information about remedies and potential cures for acne. If people are polled about the top 10 problems of our times, acne will contend with problems like global warming...
Eat this, Apple! Samsung’s Galaxy Camera is the World’s Smartest Camera Real Reviews August 31, 2012 News & Updates Seemingly unfazed by the billion-dollar lawsuit debacle with Apple, we are glad Samsung is on a roll. A day after launching the Galaxy Note 2 at the IFA trade show in Berlin, the company officially launched the...